Nature’s Building Blocks.

Understanding nature's building blocks is crucial for the successful application of biomimicry and nature-inspired innovation. By studying how living systems utilise a limited set of materials to create structures with remarkable properties, we can gain valuable insights for designing engineered systems.


Our Nature-Inspired Innovation (NII) Framework provides a lens to analyse biological systems in terms of six key aspects: substance, structure, energy, information, space, and time. This framework helps us understand the complex interplay and trade-offs between these aspects of living systems.


Importance of Understanding Nature's Building Blocks

Nature has been incredibly thrifty in its use of materials. Almost every living thing on Earth is made from six main polymers: cellulose, chitin, collagen, keratin, elastin, and resilin. These building blocks provide structure, store energy, and transmit information in living systems. 

By studying the composition and properties of these materials, scientists have already drawn inspiration for innovations such as malleable glass inspired by oyster shells. Understanding how nature arranges these substances from the molecular to the ecosystem level can guide the development of bio-inspired materials and structures.

Overview of our NII Framework

Our NII Framework explores the contradictions and trade-offs between six key aspects of biological systems:

  • Substance: The materials that make up a system

  • Structure: How the substances are organised across scales 

  • Energy: How energy is captured, stored, and utilised

  • Information: How information is encoded, transmitted, and processed

  • Space: How organisms interact with and utilise their spatial environment

  • Time: Temporal processes of growth, development, and evolution

By analysing how living systems balance these aspects to survive and thrive, we can identify promising concepts for nature-inspired innovation. The framework provides a systematic approach to abstract biological principles and apply them to engineered systems.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each aspect of the NII framework, highlighting examples of nature's ingenuity and the potential for bio-inspired solutions in fields ranging from materials science to robotics and urban planning. Understanding nature's building blocks through this lens can open up new avenues for sustainable and resilient innovation.


Nature's Building Blocks

Nature has been incredibly thrifty in its use of materials. Almost every living thing on Earth is made from six main polymers: cellulose, chitin, collagen, keratin, elastin, and resilin. These building blocks provide structure, store energy, and transmit information in living systems.


The Six Building Blocks of Life

  1. Cellulose: A polysaccharide that makes up the cell walls of plants, providing structural support to the cell. It is known to have strong mechanical properties.

  2. Chitin: The second most abundant polysaccharide in nature (behind only cellulose). It forms the outer skeleton of arthropods and the cell walls of fungi. The structure of chitin is comparable to cellulose, forming crystalline nanofibrils or whiskers. It is functionally comparable to the protein keratin.

  3. Collagen: A primary protein building block made of amino acids. It is a major component of connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, skin, and cartilage.

  4. Keratin: A protein found in hair, nails, skin, and other tissues. It is a bit more flexible than chitin and is made mainly of proteins. Keratin is hard to digest, requiring a lot of energy to break down.

  5. Elastin: A highly elastic protein found in connective tissues that allows many tissues in the body to resume their shape after stretching or contracting.

  6. Resilin: A rubber-like protein found in insect cuticles that provides exceptional elasticity and energy storage.


How These Building Blocks Function

These building blocks serve multiple functions in living systems:

  • Structure: Polymers like cellulose and chitin provide structural support and protection at the cellular and organismal levels.

  • Energy Storage: Simple sugars like glucose, which are monomers of cellulose, serve as important energy sources. The energy released from glucose helps make ATP, which powers many cellular processes.

  • Information Transmission: Nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA and RNA, are made from amino acids, carbon dioxide, and formic acid. They store and transmit genetic information.


Scientists are already drawing inspiration from these materials to develop innovations such as malleable glass inspired by oyster shells. By studying the composition and properties of nature's building blocks, we can gain valuable insights for designing bio-inspired materials and structures.

For example, avian bones are mostly made of collagen and hydroxyapatite, while avian feathers consist mainly of keratin. Understanding these differences can guide the development of lightweight, strong, and multifunctional materials.


In the next sections, we will explore how our NII framework can help us analyse and learn from the complex interplay between these building blocks and the aspects of structure, energy, information, space, and time in living systems.



Nature has been incredibly thrifty in its use of materials to create the building blocks of life. Almost every living thing on Earth is made from six main polymers: cellulose, chitin, collagen, keratin, elastin, and resilin. By studying the composition and properties of these substances, scientists have drawn inspiration for innovations such as malleable glass inspired by oyster shells.


Nature's Thrifty Use of Limited Materials

Nature's building blocks serve multiple functions in living systems, from providing structure and storing energy to transmitting information. For example:

  • Simple sugars like glucose, monomers of cellulose, are important energy sources. The energy released from glucose helps make ATP, which powers cellular processes.

  • Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are synthesised from intermediates in glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, requiring energy in the form of ATP and GTP.

  • Nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA and RNA, store and transmit genetic information. They are made from amino acids, carbon dioxide, and formic acid in energy-intensive pathways.


Examples of Bio-Inspired Materials

Scientists are already drawing inspiration from nature's building blocks to develop innovative materials. For instance:

  • Malleable glass inspired by the structure of oyster shells.

  • Strong, lightweight materials based on the hierarchical structure of wood or bone.

  • Self-cleaning surfaces taking the inspiration from the micro-texture of lotus leaves.

  • Adhesives inspired by the chemical composition of mussel byssus threads


Composition of Avian Bones vs Feathers

The differences in composition between avian bones and feathers highlight how nature tailors its building blocks for specific functions:

  • Avian bones are mostly made of collagen (a protein) and hydroxyapatite (a mineral), providing a lightweight yet strong structure.

  • Avian feathers consist mainly of keratin, a flexible protein that is more resistant to degradation.


Understanding these differences in material composition and relating them to function can guide the development of bio-inspired materials optimised for specific applications, from lightweight structural components to durable, protective coatings.



Nature arranges its building blocks in a hierarchical manner, from the molecular to the ecosystem level, to satisfy trade-offs between different functions. By studying these structural designs, we can gain insights into creating efficient, multifunctional engineered systems.


Hierarchical Organisation from Molecular to Ecosystem Levels

Nature's structures are organised hierarchically across scales:

  • Molecular level: Polymers like cellulose and chitin form crystalline nanofibrils with high strength-to-weight ratios.

  • Cellular level: Cells are the basic building blocks of living organisms, with specialised structures like cell walls and organelles.

  • Tissue level: Tissues are composed of cells and extracellular matrix, arranged to perform specific functions (e.g., connective tissue, muscle tissue).

  • Organ level: Organs are made up of multiple tissue types working together (e.g., heart, lungs, leaves).

  • Organismal level: Organisms are composed of organs and organ systems that enable them to survive and reproduce.

  • Population and ecosystem levels: Organisms interact with each other and their environment, forming complex networks and cycles of energy and matter flow.


Balancing Trade-offs Between Different Functions

Structural designs in nature balance trade-offs between different functions, such as strength, flexibility, and resource efficiency. For example:

  • Lightweight yet strong bird bones: The hollow, porous structure of bird bones provides a high strength-to-weight ratio, enabling flight.

  • Efficient load distribution in honeycombs: The hexagonal structure of honeycombs allows efficient packing and load distribution, using minimal material.

  • Multifunctional design of plant stems: Plant stems provide structural support, transport water and nutrients, and store energy reserves, all within a compact cross-section.


By understanding how nature arranges its building blocks to achieve these balanced designs, we can develop bio-inspired materials and structures optimised for specific applications.


Examples of Bio-Inspired Structural Designs

Scientists and engineers are already drawing inspiration from nature's structural designs to create innovative solutions:

  • Lightweight, strong materials based on the hierarchical structure of wood or bone.

  • Efficient load-bearing structures mimicking the architecture of plant stems or animal exoskeletons.

  • Multifunctional materials that combine structural support with other properties like self-healing or energy storage


In the next section, we will explore how the NII framework's aspect of Energy relates to the efficient capture, storage, and utilisation of energy in living systems, and how this can inspire sustainable innovations in fields like renewable energy and energy-efficient design.



Energy is a scarce resource in nature, and organisms have evolved to be masters of efficient energy management. Energy is required to synthesise and maintain the structure of nature's building blocks, as well as to recycle them. By studying how living systems capture, store, and utilise energy, we can draw inspiration for innovations in renewable energy, energy storage, and waste minimisation.


Energy Scarcity in Nature

In the natural world, energy is a limited resource. Organisms have evolved to be highly efficient in their energy management, utilising strategies such as:

  • Photosynthesis: Plants convert sunlight into chemical energy stored in sugars, an efficient energy conversion process.

  • Efficient metabolism: Organisms have optimised metabolic pathways to minimise energy waste and maximise energy extraction from food sources.

  • Hibernation and dormancy: Some animals conserve energy during times of scarcity by reducing their metabolic rate and entering a dormant state.


Energy Requirements for Building Blocks

Energy plays a crucial role in the formation, function, and breakdown of nature's building blocks:

  • Simple sugars like glucose provide energy to cells. The energy released from glucose helps make ATP, which powers cellular processes.

  • Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are synthesised using energy from ATP and GTP.

  • Nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA and RNA, require large amounts of metabolic energy for their synthesis.

  • Energy is required to synthesise polymers like chitin, cellulose, and keratin, as well as for their eventual breakdown and recycling.


Bio-Inspired Innovations in Energy

Studying how living systems manage energy can inspire innovations in fields like renewable energy, energy storage, and waste minimisation. Some examples include:

  • Artificial photosynthesis: Mimicking plants' ability to convert sunlight into chemical energy could lead to more efficient solar cells or systems that produce clean fuels.

  • Bio-inspired energy storage: Nature's energy storage solutions, like the high energy density of fat molecules, could guide the development of novel battery technologies.

  • Waste-to-energy systems: Studying how ecosystems recycle waste and minimise energy loss could inspire more efficient, closed-loop industrial processes.


By understanding the strategies nature employs to manage energy in a resource-limited environment, we can develop more sustainable and efficient energy technologies. The NII framework's aspect of Energy highlights the importance of considering energy flows and transformations when designing bio-inspired systems.


In the next section, we will explore how the aspect of Information relates to the way biological systems encode, transmit, and process information, from the genetic code to environmental sensing and adaptation.



Information plays a crucial role in the creation and function of nature's building blocks. Genetic information, stored in DNA, provides the blueprint for synthesising the materials that makeup living organisms. This information guides the process of biomineralization, where organisms like molluscs and corals create complex structures such as shells and skeletons.


Genetic Information as a Blueprint

DNA serves as the primary information carrier in biological systems, encoding the instructions for building and maintaining an organism. This genetic information is translated into proteins, which perform a wide range of functions, including the synthesis of materials.


For instance, the information encoded in a snail's DNA guides the synthesis of proteins that form the organic matrix of its shell, which then serves as a scaffold for the deposition of calcium carbonate crystals. Similarly, the genes of spiders contain the information needed to produce the proteins that make up their strong, elastic silk fibres.


Biomineralisation: Genes Guiding Complex Structures

Biomineralisation is a process where organisms create complex mineral structures using the information stored in their genes. Examples include:

  • Mollusc shells are primarily made of calcium carbonate.

  • Coral skeletons are composed of calcium carbonate.

  • Vertebrate bones and teeth are made of hydroxyapatite.


In each case, the organism's genetic information guides the synthesis and assembly of organic matrices that control the deposition and growth of the mineral crystals, resulting in materials with remarkable properties.


Processing Environmental Information

In addition to genetic information, organisms also process and respond to environmental information, which can influence their growth, development, and behaviour. This interaction between genetic and environmental information is a key aspect of how living systems operate and evolve.


For example, plants can sense and respond to environmental cues like light, gravity, and touch, adjusting their growth accordingly. Animals process sensory information to navigate, find food, and avoid predators. This ability to integrate and respond to both genetic and environmental information allows organisms to adapt to changing conditions.


Understanding how biological systems encode, transmit, and process information can inspire innovations in fields like biomaterials, sensors, and adaptive systems. By studying the principles of information processing in nature, we can develop materials and technologies that are more responsive, adaptable, and efficient.



Space refers to how living organisms interact with, adapt to, and utilise their spatial environment. By studying these interactions, we can gain insights into how to design more efficient and adaptable engineered systems, particularly in the context of space exploration.


How Organisms Interact with Their Spatial Environment

Organisms have evolved to optimise their use of space for various functions, such as:

  • Resource acquisition: Plants arrange their leaves to maximise sunlight capture for photosynthesis. Animals use spatial memory to locate food sources and navigate their environment.

  • Survival: Many organisms use camouflage or mimicry to blend into their surroundings and avoid predation. Others, like birds and insects, have evolved specialised structures for efficient locomotion through their spatial environment.

  • Reproduction: Plants and animals use spatial cues and signals to attract mates and ensure successful reproduction. Many species also have specific spatial requirements for nesting or breeding.


Potential for Bio-Inspired Innovations

Understanding how organisms interact with and utilise space can inspire innovations in various fields, such as:

  • Urban planning: Studying how ecosystems optimise space usage and resource distribution could lead to more sustainable and efficient city designs.

  • Robotics: Mimicking the spatial awareness and navigation strategies of animals could enhance the autonomy and adaptability of robotic systems, particularly in unknown or changing environments.

  • Optimisation algorithms: Nature-inspired algorithms, such as ant colony optimization or particle swarm optimization, use principles of spatial interaction to solve complex optimization problems.


In the context of space exploration, biomimetic approaches could lead to spacecraft and payload designs that are more adaptable, autonomous, and efficient in their use of space. For example:

  • Studying how organisms pack and fold their structures (e.g., insect wings) could inspire more compact and deployable spacecraft designs.

  • Mimicking the spatial organisation and multifunctionality of biological systems could lead to more integrated and miniaturised spacecraft components.

  • Adapting the navigation and spatial awareness strategies of organisms could enhance the autonomy and robustness of spacecraft control systems.


By looking to nature for inspiration, engineers can develop innovative solutions that optimise the use of space and enable more effective exploration of the final frontier.


In the next section, we will explore how our NII framework's aspect of Time relates to temporal processes in biological systems, such as growth, development, and adaptation to cyclical environmental changes, and how this can inspire innovations in areas like scheduling, process optimization, and leveraging biological rhythms.



Time in biological systems relates to various temporal processes, such as growth, development, and evolutionary adaptation. Organisms have evolved to adapt to cyclical variations in their environment, like daily and seasonal changes. By studying these temporal processes and adaptations, we can draw inspiration for innovations in areas like scheduling, process optimization, and leveraging biological rhythms.


Temporal Processes in Biology

Biological systems exhibit a range of temporal processes at different scales:

  • Growth and development: Organisms follow specific developmental trajectories as they grow from embryos to adults. This involves coordinated changes in size, shape, and function over time.

  • Evolutionary adaptation: Over longer timescales, species evolve and adapt to changing environments through the process of natural selection. This leads to the emergence of new traits and behaviours over generations.

  • Circadian rhythms: Many organisms have internal "clocks" that synchronise their physiology and behaviour with the 24-hour day-night cycle. These circadian rhythms influence processes like sleep-wake cycles, hormone secretion, and gene expression.

  • Seasonal cycles: Plants and animals often exhibit seasonal patterns of growth, reproduction, and migration in response to changes in factors like temperature, daylight, and resource availability.


Adapting to Cyclical Variations

Organisms have evolved various strategies to adapt to cyclical variations in their environment:

  • Phenotypic plasticity: Some organisms can modify their physiology, morphology, or behaviour in response to environmental changes. For example, plants may alter their leaf shape or flowering time based on temperature and light cues.

  • Dormancy and diapause: Many organisms enter periods of reduced metabolic activity during unfavourable conditions, such as winter or drought. This allows them to conserve energy and survive until conditions improve.

  • Migration: Some animals undertake long-distance migrations to track seasonal changes in resources or breeding grounds. This requires precise timing and navigation skills.


Bio-Inspired Innovations

Understanding how biological systems manage time and adapt to temporal variations can inspire innovations in various fields:

  • Scheduling algorithms: Nature-inspired algorithms, such as ant colony optimization, can be used to solve complex scheduling problems by mimicking how social insects allocate tasks and resources over time.

  • Process optimization: Studying how biological systems optimise their growth and development processes could lead to more efficient and adaptive manufacturing or construction techniques.

  • Leveraging biological rhythms: Understanding circadian and seasonal rhythms could inform the design of lighting systems, work schedules, and agricultural practices to enhance productivity and well-being.

  • Adaptive systems: Mimicking how organisms adapt to changing environments over time could inspire the development of more resilient and flexible engineered systems, from buildings to supply chains.


By looking at nature's temporal strategies, we can develop innovative solutions that are more in tune with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world. The NII framework's aspect of Time highlights the importance of considering temporal dimensions when designing bio-inspired systems for engineering and other applications.



Nature's building blocks and the principles that govern their organisation and function offer a rich source of inspiration for innovative engineering solutions. Our Nature-Inspired Innovation (NII) framework, which explores the interplay between substance, structure, energy, information, space, and time in biological systems, provides a systematic approach to identifying and applying these principles.


Nature-inspired innovation has the potential to address critical challenges in space engineering, such as robustness, adaptability, autonomy, and miniaturisation. However, the successful implementation of nature-inspired concepts requires careful consideration of the differences between biological and engineered systems, as well as judicious adaptation and integration with traditional engineering approaches.


By thoughtfully abstracting and applying biological principles, engineers can develop innovative, efficient, and resilient solutions for some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Our Nature-inspired Innovation (NII) framework and the guidelines for adopting nature-inspired solutions provide a roadmap for this exciting and promising field of research and development.


Hi, we're Biomimicry Innovation Lab. We partner with founders and leaders to transform ideas into reality, drawing inspiration from transformative solutions found in nature. Our approach? Harnessing the latest scientific research with innovative tools to deliver solutions to complex challenges.

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